Kumpulan Emoticon Facebook Keren 2013

Sobat dapat memasukkan emoticon lucu & keren sama teman via chatting facebook, Tapi yang jadi masalahnya adalah kita biasanya susah mencari emoticon baru tersebut dan malah kita ganti dengan upload foto-foto yang ga jelas :D. nah..maka dari itu di posting ini saya akan membagikan sebuah kode emoticon FB terlucu 2013.

cara menggunakan emoticon 2013 ini cukup gampang sob hanya perlu copy kode yang saya sediakan di bawah ini kemudian paste tepat di textbox saat chatting. Setelah sobat memasukkan kode yang lucu ini maka lihatlah hasilnya :)

Coffee Smiley Face

Coffee smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Blushing Shy Emoticon

Blushing shy smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Love Smiley Giving Heart Emoticon

Heart-giving smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Angel Emoticon

Angel smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Rose Emoticon

Rose smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Kiss Emoticon

Kissing smileys
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

I love you this much

I love you this much
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

I Love You Facebook Emoticon

I ❤ You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Heart Emoticon

Heart emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Stabbed Heart

Nailed heart
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

I Miss You Facebook Emoticon

Miss You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Broken Heart Symbol

Broken heart
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Me - You Puzzles Emoticon

Fit like puzzles
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Red Rose Emoticon For Facebook

Red rose
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Sending Virtual Hug Emoticon

Virtual hug
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Why So Serious - The Joker Emoticon For Facebook

The Joker
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Gollum Emoticon From The Lord Of The Rings

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Little Grey Alien Facebook Emoticon

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Lady Gaga Emoticon For Facebook Chat

Lady Gaga
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hannibal Lecter Facebook Emoticon

Hannibal Lecter
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Ghostface Emoticon From The Scream Movie

Ghostface (Scream)
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Messi Emoticon For Facebook Chat

Leo Messi
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Bob Marley Emoticon

Bob Marley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Gangnam Style - Facebook Emoticon Of Psy

Psy - Gangnam Style
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Music Notes And Symbols Facebook Emoticon

Music notes
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Yin-Yang Symbol Facebook Emoticon

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Rasta emoticon with weed symbol smoking joint

Rasta penguine
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Middle Finger Facebook Emoticon

Middle Finger
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Peace Fingers Emoticon For Facebook Chat

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Dislike Emoticon

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hidden Fist - New Facebook Emoticon

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hidden Facebook Emoticons

Peeking baby
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Kitten Ripped A Hole In Facebook Chat Box

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Teddy Bear Holding Flower Bouquet

Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Butterflies - new facebook chat code

Butterflies emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hello Kitty Facebook Emoticon

Hello Kitty
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat: